Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Path

But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. -proverbs 4:18

As the children of God it is expected of us to understand more and more as we walk in this dark world... To grow in Kingdom mindedness as all pilgrims and strangers should. Notice the above verse says that it is the path that we are on that will shine more and more until our life here is finished. There are 2 reasons for this...

1) Because this world is getting darker the further we go... And I think as followers of Christ we see that now more than ever. So in essence, the darker this world gets... the easier it is to see the path.
Sometimes our way seems to be blurred and often unsure, and even with our best intentions to stay on the path... we can step off course.

My favorite hobby is hiking, we live near several mountainous state parks so I'm blessed and without excuse when it comes to getting out and enjoying God's beautiful creation. On most trails, the way is well marked, and instruction are given to stay on the trails or danger could befall the hiker. 
And so it is with God's word... We need it... We must have it. It is our compass and lamp. It's always a creepy feeling to be caught out in the forest at dark without a light, we need the Light to stay on our path in this ever darkening world.

2) This is my favorite point... The further we walk in this narrow way with Christ, the more we learn to love and trust Him... The more we become like Him and understand that His ways are far better than the ways of this world. Becoming more like Christ... Thinking as He thinks is our comfort and joy.

Praise the Lord that our path is well lit and will continue to get brighter as we move along. We don't have to fear what is ahead because not only is our path shinning brightly... But the very One who brightens our path is walking hand-in-hand with us. As I said above... I love to hike but I had much rather have a friend with me when I do so - not only for safety but mainly for fellowship with a brother amidst enjoying His handiwork . 

Isn't it sweet that the One who holds the world in His hand is holding our hand as we travel along this path?

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