Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Weekly Bible Study: Gleaning in the Psalms

Each Wednesday evening at 7:00 we are going through each chapter in psalms and gleaning from this refreshing book.These golden nuggets have been a blessing as we slow down and consider these verses in our weekly study. Come on out each Wednesday and join us for an encouraging study from God's word and a sweet time of fellowship! ~Pastor

First Annual Ice Cream Social

We will be having our first annual homemade ice-cream social here @ Three & Twenty Baptist on Wednesday evening August 21 @ 7:00pm.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Just a thought: The Blood of Christ

The Blood

"...Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood..."
~Revelation 1:5

I have been pondering over the precious blood of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. All of us who have genuinely come to Christ with a heart of repentance and sorrow over our sins, and have unwaveringly put our trust and faith in Him and His finished work on Calvary know what it means when one speaks of being washed in the blood of Jesus; the peace of mind that passes all understanding, the unspeakable joy, the removal of our burdensome guilt and fear and on and on we could tirelessly go.

But I have noticed that we tend to think of the blood of Jesus as merely a covering for sin and allow me to say...oh what a covering it is! But here I must say that there is a danger in viewing the blood in this manner alone; for by doing so we take away from its main purpose. We have well established in our hearts that the blood of Jesus redeems our hell-deserving souls... and is gloriously sufficient as a covering for our sins before a holy righteous God, but we tend to put very little emphasis on the cleansing and life sustaining power of this blood.

For instance allow me to take your minds to the old testament, Genesis to be exact; to the very first commandment of God concerning blood..."But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat."Genesis 9:4. Here we have God telling us that the very core of the mystery of life is in the blood. You will find other similar verses in the bible that stress the same fact that God did not want His people to partake of the blood... for in the blood is the very life of that which you partake of, therefore you take within you the very life of that creature.

So this is just a simple thought but it does demand our pondering upon it... when Christ said in John 6:53 "Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink His blood, ye have no life in you." What He was referring to was that if we are to have joy...that is true joy; we must be willing to partake of His blood, and how... (one may ask) do we partake of that blood? Well the answer is simple... when we as repentant sinners take that sorrowful journey up Calvary's hill, and with an eye of faith kneel at the foot of the cross, it is there that we are plunged beneath that life-giving flow that was so preciously supplied for all who would come in search of hope, peace and rest.

This blood makes all things new, for it is so much more than just a covering... it is the worlds most powerful cleanser... your guilt, your pain, your regrets... no sin in any form is so great that it could weaken the power of Jesus blood. So as you sit and think of this blood... think of it no longer as a mere covering... but rather think of it as a life-giving source for this is exactly what it is. The blood of Jesus is absolutely vital to you as a believer.
 -Pastor Chad