Galatians 6:8-9 "For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not."
So many people who claim to be Christians are getting weaker and more weary by the second. They don't usually leave our churches and fellowships, they just simply sit among us dead and lifeless with extremely compromised home lives.
I've grown weary and I know what it means to feel cold and even numb at times... but giving over to the rotten deeds of the flesh is never the answer to finding rest and joy, neither are we to loosen up on our God given convictions, if our convictions are grievous then they are performed out of obligation and not loving, trusting confidence. Any religious life lived outside of Christ will produce nothing more than duty. If you are weak and tired of living righteously; then I would wonder where I last saw Christ and run to Him.
So as the old Moravian quote states... "Our Lamb has conquered, Let us follow Him"
So many people who claim to be Christians are getting weaker and more weary by the second. They don't usually leave our churches and fellowships, they just simply sit among us dead and lifeless with extremely compromised home lives.
I've grown weary and I know what it means to feel cold and even numb at times... but giving over to the rotten deeds of the flesh is never the answer to finding rest and joy, neither are we to loosen up on our God given convictions, if our convictions are grievous then they are performed out of obligation and not loving, trusting confidence. Any religious life lived outside of Christ will produce nothing more than duty. If you are weak and tired of living righteously; then I would wonder where I last saw Christ and run to Him.
So as the old Moravian quote states... "Our Lamb has conquered, Let us follow Him"
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