Monday, April 20, 2015

Brotherly Love

Let brotherly love continue
-Hebrews 13:1

Seemingly such a simple statement, but as the writer penned these words, he did so because of the looming danger that was before the Hebrew believers.

In the midst of persecution; a time when they needed brotherly love the most, the people of God found themselves in disagreement concerning the Law and Grace. And though they may not have been in an all out brawl over the issues at hand; we know that Satan will use such times to drive deep wedges between the brethren.

One of Satan's oldest tools is the tool of division. During this refreshing time that God has so richly blessed us with at our church... Brothers and sisters in Christ have preferred one another like never before, coming together every chance we have for prayer and fellowship. It is the moving of the Spirit that binds our hearts together, so we can safely assume that it is Satan who tries to divide and destroy.

But above all we must all be sober and aware of the Devil's plan to cause the people of God to despise one another and keep the Lord from doing great things in our midst.

As our verse of scripture implies, we must LET brotherly love continue. This love must be encouraged to grow and go forth every single day. How sad it would be for any of us to allow the fire of brotherly love to die in our hearts. 
-Pastor Chad

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Root of Revival Criticism

Anytime there has been a spiritual awakening it has not been without criticism. Satan will try to destroy the very work of renewal in many ways, But there is no more familiar form of trying to dilute the workings of a move of God than criticism.

Those who by unrighteousness and jealousy are apt to make less of the moving of the Spirit in lives because they themselves are unwilling to deal with God in certain areas of their lives and therefore they begin to tear down what God has done in those who did respond to the call of Christ for salvation and holiness. It is a very dangerous thing to question the work of the HolySpirit.

That said, be it far from us that when we would be criticized for claiming a great work of God within us; that it would not be on the merit of a past conflict left undone or even an ounce of unforgiveness toward someone. May we be sensitive to any ill will towards others, or even if someone has something against us... 

We are bound in times of revival to respond to those things that would be laid upon our hearts to deal with in order to be emptied of unrighteousness and in turn be filled with the HolySpirit.

Jesus said in Matthew chapter 5... If thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee; Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.
 If we are indeed to live a Spirit-filled life there must be no room for bitterness and conflict between us and others. Even the seemingly smallest issues can keep us from enjoying the full blessings of serving our sweet Saviour.

So allow me to encourage all of us to be sensitive to the Spirit regarding criticism towards what we claim Christ has wrought in us. It just may be that the critics are fueled by some foul bitterness, and it doesn't matter if what is amiss was our fault or if we are as innocent as a baby bird. If you know there is something there deal with it.

Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.
-Matthew 18:15

It has been mentioned before in our precious Bible and is so true, Bitterness is the only sin mentioned that has a root... And what a strong root it has.

There is also a danger of bitterness taking root in those who have experienced revival when we hear the criticisms of others.

Don't allow Ol' Slewfoot to rob you of what you know is the undeniable work of God.

-Pastor Chad

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Work of the HolySpirit

Where do I begin? God has done many marvelous things in our lives in recent days at Three & Twenty Baptist Church. 

Our people have an undying thirst for the things of God and I praise His precious name for it. Homes that were dry and lifeless now ring out with joy, scripture and prayer. Family worship has been revived in our homes and a burden for the abundant life is consuming our people. 

Why?, some may ask?... The sweet HolySpirit came by our way and touched hearts in a way I've never experienced before. People began to desire the Oil in their homes and lives and Christ was pleased to provide that filling that could only come from Him. Bitterness and unforgiveness was dealt with and plucked out and cold hearts were melted as the wax of a candle before a burning fire. Two precious souls were saved and one young man called to preach. 

On Saturday evening of the last night of meeting a burden for prayer under the old Oak trees was put forth by one of the brethren, the Wind of the HolySpirit blew through that prayer meeting and hungry men were filled with the Spirit. 

Since then, a rock altar has been established there and at various times the men of the church have been drawn there for prayer. One man who works second shift even took his lunch break to come and spend time in nighttime prayer. This morning as I went by to pray I found that a dear brother had made a huge cross of Cedar and Placed it in the ground at our rock altar. Let us never forget that prayer is the wood that fuels the fire.

I can say with no fear or reservation of any kind that God has sent revival to the people of Three & Twenty, and as Pastor am humbled that God would come our way and bless an undeserving people such as us. I am excited to see what God does with us, and if we will continue to obey Him there's no telling what God could do in the days and years to come. 

May we ever abide in His divine Love.

-Pastor Chad

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Praise The Lord!

As far as we know tonight is the last night of meeting at Three & Twenty Baptist. We don't know what God may do in our midst tonight but I want to thank Him for what He's already done for our church... 

Bitterness was plucked from hearts, reconciliation was made between folks, a burden for the lost was reborn and so far, 2 precious souls have been saved. 

I believe with my entire heart that God has changed our people for the better and I'm excited to be part of what God has done and will continue to do. 

Come on out to Ridge Rd. tonight and labor with us in prayer and obedience as we seek His face tonight. 7:00... Hope to see you there. -Pastor Chad

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Revival Update

The Wind is blowing at Three & Twenty Baptist Church. Prayer, testimonies and tears have been common place in this unusual move of God. 

Many have testified of getting bitterness out of their lives and asking others to forgive them; one young husband and father shared that he had harbored bitterness in his heart against his Dad for more than 8 years. God dealt with this young man and contacted his dad and was able set things right between them. This is just one of many examples of what God is doing in lives.

We are asking God to revive His work in the midst of the years and save souls in these days of spiritual awakening. Help us pray that God will set up a Memorial in our homes and church, and please come worship with us if possible. So far we are scheduled for April 9-11 @ 7:00 each night. 

I will try to keep this ministry blog updated throughout this meeting. 

-Pastor Chad