Let brotherly love continue.
-Hebrews 13:1
Seemingly such a simple statement, but as the writer penned these words, he did so because of the looming danger that was before the Hebrew believers.
In the midst of persecution; a time when they needed brotherly love the most, the people of God found themselves in disagreement concerning the Law and Grace. And though they may not have been in an all out brawl over the issues at hand; we know that Satan will use such times to drive deep wedges between the brethren.
One of Satan's oldest tools is the tool of division. During this refreshing time that God has so richly blessed us with at our church... Brothers and sisters in Christ have preferred one another like never before, coming together every chance we have for prayer and fellowship. It is the moving of the Spirit that binds our hearts together, so we can safely assume that it is Satan who tries to divide and destroy.
But above all we must all be sober and aware of the Devil's plan to cause the people of God to despise one another and keep the Lord from doing great things in our midst.
As our verse of scripture implies, we must LET brotherly love continue. This love must be encouraged to grow and go forth every single day. How sad it would be for any of us to allow the fire of brotherly love to die in our hearts.
-Pastor Chad